English or Japanese → Tokipona
Toki pona → English & Japanese
tawa 向

    prep	to, in order to, towards, for, until
    vi	go to, walk, travel, move, leave
    n	movement, transportation
    mod	moving, mobile
    vt	move, displace, exchange

    → Just like lon, tawa can be used both as a verb and preposition. However, as a verb tawa can both be used with or without a direct object. As a preposition it indicates a direction, toward a place, or toward a person (‘for’). 

        ona li lawa e jan tawa ma pona - he leads the people towards the good land
        ona li kama tawa ma mi - he wil come to my country
        ni li pona tawa mi - that is good for me (I like that)
        ni li ike tawa mi - that is bad for me (I don’t like it)
        kili li pona tawa mi - I like fruit
        toki li pona tawa mi - I like talking; I like languages
        telo suli li ike tawa ona - the sea doesn’t suit him; he doesn’t like the sea
        mi pona e tomo tawa jan pakala - I repaired/improved the house for the handicapped man

    → Using tawa as a verb

        mi tawa tomo mi - I’m going to my house/home
        ona mute li tawa utala - they have to go to war
        sina wile tawa telo suli - you want to go to the sea
        ona li tawa sewi kiwen - she goes up the rock
        NB note that sewi modifies tawa as verb (she goes up)

    → tawa with a direct object

        mi tawa e kiwen - I move/exchange the rock
        ona li tawa e len mi - she moved my clothes

    → tawa as modifier

        tomo tawa - a car (a moving house)
        tomo tawa telo - a boat, a ship
        tomo tawa kon - an aeroplane, a helicopter

    NB wikibooks.org warns for the inherent ambiguity of words like tawa, as a result of functioning in multiple grammatical roles (preposition, verb, noun, modifier)

        mi pana e tomo tawa sina - I give a house to you ...or...
        mi pana e tomo tawa sina - I give you your car (back)
        compare: mi pana e tomo tawa sina tawa sina - I give you your car back

tawa タワ 向 〔名詞〕運動、運送. 〔動詞〕行く、動かす. 〔修飾詞〕 可動の、感動させる. 〔前置詞〕~の方へ、~のために、~にとって.